Thursday, February 06, 2003

There have been a lot of arguments over why and why we shouldn't go to War against Iraq.

Reason #1
The main reason we are going to war is OIL - FALSE

Reason #2
The main reason we are going to war is humanitarian, to save the Iraqi people from the oppression of Saddam - False

Reason #3
The main reason we are going to war is the USA's imperialist ambition - False
The USA has no imperialist ambition because if we did then one of two things would have happened.
1. Much of the world would be speaking American today.
2. The world would have suffered a nuclear apocalypse in the battle against American imperialism.

Since the end of World War II American foreign intervention has been for a few different reasons, none of them being imperialistic. They are: containment of communism, humanitarian, national security, protecting the sovereignty of other nations, and fighting drugs.

Reason #4
The main reason we shouldn't go to war is Iraq hasn't done anything. - False

In 1991 Iraq invaded Kuwait. A Coalition force routed the Iraqi army and drove them out of Kuwait. The Coalition could have continued onto Baghdad, removed Saddam and occupied Iraq. Instead a cease fire was signed that ended further aggression. Here's the kicker: The winning side gets to dictate the terms of a cease fire. The Coalition gave their cease fire terms to Saddam Hussein and Saddam agreed to them.

The only reason Saddam is still in power is that he agreed to the terms of the cease fire.
In the 12 years since then, he has continually violated the terms of the cease fire, the big one being his weapons program. He is in violation of a bunch of UN resolutions. In my opinion the first Gulf War never really ended, a peace treaty was never signed. It has only been paused by a cease fire. Once a cease fire is broken, that is reason enough to justify renewed war. Iraq has been violating the cease fire for years with impunity. So Yes, Iraq has done something. They have violated a cease fire that is supposed to protect the world from weapons of mass destruction. I want my protection re-instated.

Reason #5
The main reason we are going to war is to prevent Saddam Hussein from getting or ever using weapons of mass destruction or giving them to terrorists - TRUE

My biggest concern is preventing Saddam Hussein from getting or/and ever using weapons of mass destruction. He is simply an evil man that I have no doubt would use these weapons. Most leaders have a moral guideline and some lines they won't cross. Not Saddam Hussein. He used chemical weapons against Iran and against the Kurds in Iraq. When he used them against Iran he was unfortunately rewarded, when within days after using them on the battlefield Iran signed a cease fire. Never mind that the chemical weapons harmed his troops because of wind direction as much as the Iranians. He tried to assassinate George Bush Senior, this is a scary thought because he must have fully understand the consequences if he was successful, yet he still tried. Diagnosis he is a mad man.

So that being my biggest concern/fear there are a few different ways to achieve the goal. Going to war against Iraq should be a last resort. But if diplomacy, bargaining and weapons inspections aren't working and he is getting the weapons then War is very necessary.

Removing Saddam, freeing the Iraqi people from tyranny, restoring human rights and freeing up oil for the world market is a secondary goal and a side benefit that I am very happy to also achieve at the same time.

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