Monday, March 31, 2003


U.F.O. Unlucky Feline Overhead -------------- LARDAL, Norway - Many people reported seeing a fireball ex- plode in the night sky and then fall slowly down to earth. Unsure of what they were watching, several witnesses pani- cked and called police, believing it to be a fallen alien spaceship. As it turns out, what was thought to be an un- identified flying object was actually an electrocuted cat. Investigators solved the otherworldly mystery when they found the charred body of a cat at the base of an elect- rical mast. They believe the unlucky feline used up all nine lives after it climbed up the pole and touched a li- vewire. As police spokesperson Lars Helge Sogn told a Nor- wegian newspaper, what the people were watching was the cat exploding and falling off the mast. The people were shocked by what they saw, but certainly not as much as the cat.

ENGLAND - Harry is a 16-year-old performing hawk who performs stunts at local displays and events. However, the bird managed to get himself in a heap of trouble after retrieving the wrong object during a countryside show. Harry was supposed to be ch- asing a dummy rabbit made out of wool, but instead came back with an audience member's toupee. Thinking the rug was danger- ous to more than just its owner's image, the hawk immediately began attacking it with his beak. The crowd roared with laugh- ter, but the wig's red-faced owner wasn't all too pleased. As a result, Harry has been grounded and retired from public ev- ents. He will now spend a year on a breeding program. On the bright side, Harry may have inspired many single ladies to pick up a hawk of their own.

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