Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Why War?
Three reasons that when combined justify this war.
1. Security
To guarantee Saddam's regime can not harm us with weapons of mass destruction. To guarantee Iraq does not give these weapons to terrorist.

The counter argument to Security:
Iraq hasn't done anything to us.
There is no proof Iraq has WMD. Iraq claims they do not. Let the inspections continue to verify this claim.
There is no evidence that Saddam is linked to terrorist groups that want to harm us.
Combine these statements and Iraq is not a big enough threat to justify a pre-emptive attack.

My prognosis: I would not feel comfortable justifying a war based on the security argument alone.

2. Moral
To free the Iraqi people from a brutal dictatorship that specializes in torture and murder.

My prognosis- The USA will militarily intervene for humanitarian reasons but we always weight the cost (financial, social, political, security,) first. If morality was the only reason to go to war with Iraq then we would decide it wasn't worth it. Sad but true.

3. Legal.
Iraq lost the 1991 Gulf War. Since then they have broken the conditions of the cease fire agreement at will.

My prognosis: This is great justification but is war the answer? No, that is why we have had sanctions.

My FINAL prognosis: None of these reasons alone completely justifies this war but when combined together this is a very just war that I support.

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