Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Kerry and the Patriot Act.
Kerry flip flops because:

1. He didn't read if before voting for it.
2. He was outsmarted along with the rest of the Sentate by a crafty Bush and tricked into voting for it.
3. Kerry only cares about the polls and will flip/flop any way the wind blows.
4. After 9/11 the government needed to adopt new security laws immediately. Thus the Patriot Act was created. It is a vast act that covers many bases. Many provisions of the Patriot Act were agreed on by all of congress. Some other provisions some in congress probably felt were questionable. We needed the Act operational quickly to provide for our security against expected future terrorism. So instead of arguing over the finer points for an extended period of time the Patriot Act was passed. Because many in Congress had problems with the Patriot Act it was only passed for a limited time and it is up for re-vote next year.
Now that the initial Patriot Act is in place and our security has been enhanced, members of congress NOW have time to debate the finer points. They can discuss what they don't like about it and changes they want to make.
This is not about flip/flops, not about not reading the document, not about watching the polls. This is about putting the security of the nation first and passing an act some in congress felt was imperfect but better than the alternative of passing nothing and debating while terrorist planned the next attack.


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