Monday, July 26, 2004

Guns in the sky

I am pro-gun despite my history of debating against many pro-gun arguments. Responsible, sane people should be allowed to have a gun. I say this with the expectations that guns should be heavily regulated. Waiting periods, background checks, physiological testing, training classes. In addition only certain guns should be available. I support the assault weapons ban and closing the loopholes that get around the ban. To stop the spread of guns getting to the wrong people gun owners should have to account for their guns once a year.
I think in high density areas like city's, people should only have guns inside their homes or inside a locked box inside their cars.

I also think many pro-gun arguments I hear are stupid and irresponsible.
This is a study that debunks many pro-gun arguments. The graphs showing number of guns per-capita and gun deaths, injuries and homicides gets to the heart of the debate.

Below is a section on Gary Mauser's study that is often invoked by the gun lobby to show that guns reduce crime. Apparently it increases contact with Extra Terrestrials.
Mauser's earlier work on arming for self-protection was funded by the NRA and has been critiqued by many academics. In one often cited study, Mauser argued that firearms are used between 62,500 and 80,000 times per year for self-defence. This is based on a 1995 telephone survey of 1,505 Canadians, in which 2.1% (32) of respondents claimed that they or a member of their household had used a gun for self-protection (either against a person or an animal) over the last five years. Of those, 12.9 % (5) claimed they or a member of their household had used a gun to protect themselves against a person within the last 5 years. Mauser extrapolates this to the Canadian population.
Dr. David Hemenway, Professor, Harvard University in an affidavit to the Alberta Court of Appeal, notes that Mausers study contains "incorrect assertions and misleading statements." The study fails to distinguish perception from reality - grabbing a gun in response to a bump in the night does not mean that anyone has actually been defended themselves against a threat. " It is not appropriate to extrapolate the results of a simple, self-reported study or a RARE event, particularly when there is the possibility of positive social desirability response, or personal presentation bias. The results will be wild over estimates." He compares Mauser's methodology to a 1995 survey by NBC which asked 1500 Americans "Have you personally ever been in contact with aliens from another planet or not?". Extrapolating the results (0.6%) to the entire US population would suggest that 1.2 million Americans have been in actual contact with aliens.

The Federal Govenment passed a new law that allows cops to carry a concealed gun in EVERY state. Yippie!! Screw you NJ.

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