Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I Can See Clearly Now.

I met a women last night who said, she thinks the RNC chose NYC for their convention in a city and state they won't win for 2 reasons.

1. Looney left wing freaks protesting and causing trouble will turn mid-America against the democrats.

2. The RNC doesn't care if a terrorist attack hit NYC because they vote democrat but a terrorist attack in NYC would help them in mid-America.

Dawn over at Clareified has a great post about the RNC in NYC. My favorite part:

The President has confessed that he doesn't read newspapers, he doesn't do press conferences and his campaign has ensured that audience members sign loyalty oaths and are friendly Bush supporters. He has even managed to create a no-protest zone throughout the entire "city" of Crawford, Texas.

CLARIFICATION - The title of this post (I can see clearly now) is referring to the post on Clarified NOT to what the women said. I do not believe reason #2 was a consideration for the RNC when they chose NYC. But I do think that a terrorist attack would help Bush win the election. Unlike Spain we are not a nation of appeasing cowards and an attack against us will have people support what is perceived as the war president who is tougher on terrorism.

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